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Case Studies
Some representative cases

The Tibodywork method now counts well over 2,000 case studies and more than 10 years of practice, experimentation and research.
The clinical cases described below have been treated with the TIBodywork method. Thanks to a team strategy, this method synergistically integrates a variety of specific techniques as part of a personalized program of postural re-education. The techniques used include the following: manual myofascial and articular techniques (Massage & Bodywork TIB), postural gymnastics (Postural Gym TIB), ergonomics (insoles, shoes, occlusal splints etc.), dietary education and mental education. The objective of the postural re-education program is to restore/improve functionality, and as a result, postural structure and general physical-mental wellbeing according to the principles set forth in this publication. In the following cases, the resolution of symptoms (completely or at least to allow for a return to a normal life) was accompanied by a decisive improvement of function and structure as shown by the postural analysys (Diers Formetric® 4D+ analysis system).

Cases index

Female, born in 1957, with sharp left migraine(headaches 2-3 times per week) for the last 10 years associated with cervicalgia and back pain, balance problems and serious alterations to the vertebral column.
TIBodywork Program: Massage & Bodywork TIB, Postural Gym TIB, specific ergonomic insoles and occlusal splint.
Results obtained: clear improvement of symptoms, function and structure.
See the Formetric analysis: Before and After one session of Massage & Bodywork TIB, Before and After the TIBodywork program.
Cases Index
Man, 28 years old, with acute low back pain (disc bulging L4-L5, hernia L5-S1).
TIBodywork Program: nr. 2 sessions of Massage & Bodywork TIB.
Results obtained: resolution of symptoms.
See the Formetric analysis.
Cases Index
Video of 2 sessions treatment for an acute (with disc bulgings) low back pain (resolved)

Indice Casi
Woman, 76 years old, has been suffering from strong low back pain for more than two months. The Formetric analysis highlights the postural situation before and after a short (approx 10 min) session of Massage & Bodywork TIB (MATIB). Postural improvements were accompanied by a feeling of "lightness ".
See the Formetric analysis.
Cases Index
Female born in 1955, with “chronic” and disabling low back pain (lumbago) and inferior limbs pain and weakness (significant lumbar scoliosis).
TIBodywork Program: Massage & Bodywork TIB, Postural Gym TIB, specific ergonomic insoles.
Results obtained: symptoms disappeared, clear functional and structural improvement.
See the Formetric analysis.
Cases Index
Female, born in 1955 suffering for years from significant left side lumbosciatica (arthrosic discopathy L1-L2 and L4-L5), scoliosis and cervicalgia.
TIBodywork Program: Massage & Bodywork TIB, Postural Gym TIB, specific ergonomic insoles.
Results obtained: significant improvement of symptoms, function and structure.
See the Formetric analysis.
Cases Index
Woman 44 years old affected by persistent groin and low back pain with intestinal disease despite various manual treatments (osteopathy and massage therapy).
TIBodywork Program: Massage & Bodywork TIB, oral hydrocolontherapy, dietary education.
Results obtained: significant improvement of symptoms, function and structure.
See the Formetric analysis.
Cases Index
A 44-year-old athlete who has been suffering from groin pain in the left side of the pubis-ischium region. Scoliosis and after-effects from partial congenital dysplasia of the left hip.
TIBodywork Program: Massage & Bodywork TIB, Postural Gym TIB, ergonomic shoes.
Results obtained: clear improvement of symptoms, function and structure.
See the Formetric analysis.
Cases Index
40 years old man affected by multiple sclerosis.
TIBodywork Program: Massage & Bodywork TIB, Postural Gym TIB.
Results obtained: temporary marked improvement in gait and strong feeling of greater well-being (these improvements will last for about 4-5 days).
See the Formetric analysis and the video Before and After one session of Massage & Bodywork TIB.

Cases Index
Male born in 1981 with significant "structural" scoliosis.
TIBodywork Program: Massage & Bodywork TIB, Postural Gym TIB, specific ergonomic insoles.
Results obtained: clear functional, structural and aesthetic improvement.
See the Formetric analysis.
Cases Index

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Introduction to Postural Analysis Analysis VideoIntroduction to Postural Analysis TIB

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updated 08/02/2011
TIBodywork Institute srl - Dr. Giovanni Chetta - www.tibodywork.org - www.giovannichetta.it - info@giovannichetta.it
I-20862 Arcore (Monza e Brianza) - via Casati 201, Italy, tel +39 0396014575
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