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TIBodywork method
"Health is a puzzle and the pieces are dietary, physical and mental education"

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Courses and trainings
Description and scheduling

"What matters most is to expand its own reality, in other words, to increase our awareness and that means, ultimately, more freedom".

We provide our courses in Italy and abroad where we are looking for new partners.

TIBodywork courses are conducted by Dr. Giovanni Chetta.
Certification and educational materials are provided for each course and educational module. You can even attend individual modules. Access to certain modules may require prerequisites and propaedeutics.

The complete training in TIBodywork method consists of the following theoretical-practical modules of the Massage & Bodywork TIB (MATIB) Course and the Posture & Postural Gym TIB Course:

Massage & Bodywork TIB logo
Course in Massage & Bodywork TIB (MATIB)

MATIB Modules

  • MATIB Wellness (antistress massage specific for spas, beauty-centers, baths, etc.)
    • level I (Practitioner), 18h
    • level II (Master Practitioner) 18h
  • MATIB Professional (specific for therapeutic, outpatient, hospital purposes, etc.)
    • level I (Practitioner), 18h
    • level II (Master Practitioner) 18h
  • MATIB Sport (specific for competitive sports)
    • level I (Practitioner), 18h
    • level II (Master Practitioner) 18h
  • AquaMATIB (water-massage)
    • level I (Practitioner), 18h
    • level II (Master Practitioner) 18h
MATIB Program
  • Theory (related concepts)
    • Functional anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, stress and neuro-associative and visualization mechanisms, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)
  • Practice
    • MATIB techniques exercises and applications.
Moments of the Professional Massage & Bodywork TIB Course, see the video

Moments of the AquaMassage TIB Course, see the video

Postural Gym TIB logo
Course in Posture & Postural Gym TIB (GPTIB)

GPTIB Modules

  • GPTIB Wellness (specific for spas, beauty-centers, baths, etc.)
    • level I (Practitioner), 18h
    • level II (Master Practitioner) 18h
  • GPTIB Professional (specific for therapeutic, outpatient, hospital purposes, etc.)
    • level I (Practitioner), 18h
    • level II (Master Practitioner) 18h
  • GPTIB Sport (specific for competitive sports)
    • level I (Practitioner), 18h
    • level II (Master Practitioner) 18h
  • AquaGPTIB (water-gymnastics)
    • level I (Practitioner), 18h
    • level II (Master Practitioner) 18h
GPTIB Program
  • Theory (related concepts)
    • Functional anatomy and physiology, posturology, ergonomics, nutrition, stress and neuro-associative and visualization mechanisms, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
  • Practice
    • Postural examination, postural gymnastics exercises and reeducational programs applications.
Moments of the Postural Gym TIB Course, see the video

Contact us for further informations.



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 tibodywork videoPresentation of the TIBodywork method
Wellness Massage % Bodywork TIB VideoTechniques of the Wellness Massage & Bodywork TIB
Pregnancy Massage TIB VideoPregnancy Massage TIB
AquaMassage TIB VideoTechniques of the AquaMassage TIB
Professional Massage & Bodywork TIB VideoSome techniques of the Professional Massage & Bodywork TIB
Presentation of Postural Gym TIB VideoPresentation of Postural Gym TIB (GPTIB)
Postural Gym TIB lesson-extract VideoExtract from Postural Gym TIB Lesson
Introduction to Postural Analysis Analysis VideoIntroduction to Postural Analysis TIB

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updated 08/02/2011
TIBodywork Institute srl - Dr. Giovanni Chetta - www.tibodywork.org - www.giovannichetta.it - info@giovannichetta.it
I-20862 Arcore (Monza e Brianza) - via Casati 201, Italy, tel +39 0396014575
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