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Postural Analysis and Reeducation TIB
Posture examination according to the latest scientific innovations

Postural analysis is a valuable tool to initially customize the TIBodywork program (preventative, performance, or reeducational), then check and manage its progress. Often, for example, it can be important to combine Postural Gym TIB and Massage & Bodywork TIB with specific ergonomic systems (insoles, shoes, occlusal splints, etc.) in order to achieve maximum postural-reeducation results. Similarly, at times a correct dietary education and/or increased awareness of stress and neuro-associative conditioning influences and related control and management abilities (mental education) can become necessary.

The use of advanced static and dynamic scientific equipment allow for quantifiable results to be defined, which are comparable over time with those obtained with the TIBodywork method into a Postural Reeducation Program .
Static and dynamic baropodometry, for example, allows to verify the center of mass weight distribution, while stabilometry analyses the corporal oscillations during static. The Diers Formetric® 4D+ system performs a morphologic tridimensional analisys in static and dynamic, providing valuable anthropometric measurements. All these exams do not cause any side effect, therefore are highly valued both to plan a specific postural re-education schedule as well as to verify its progress. Meanwhile, it’s possible for example to analyse the effectiveness of possible ergonomic supports (Case studies).

Postural analysis, then, represents an important part of the TIBodywork method in the curative, preventive and performance or competitive areas of interest.


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updated 08/02/2011
TIBodywork Institute srl - Dr. Giovanni Chetta - www.tibodywork.org - www.giovannichetta.it - info@giovannichetta.it
I-20862 Arcore (Monza e Brianza) - via Casati 201, Italy, tel +39 0396014575
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